Recall the Governor of New Jersey.

Started by Bronx, March 31, 2019, 09:07:00 AM

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Keep an eye on the liberal Governor of Jersey Phil Murphy folks. The petition to recall him has started and is gaining strength.

The liberal media is keeping this out of the news. I wonder why after all when Gov. Scott Walker  got recalled in Wisconsin it was a tsunami of news hitting our airwaves being it TV, cable, or radio.

If you any of you folks live in N.J. or know anyone please spread this great news. Get them to sign the petition and get his liberal butt recalled.

Petition to Recall New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Approved by State

When it rains in NJ it pours out of the pockets in a tax

Can't afford to leave NJ because of their liberal agenda of killing babies, high taxes, gun confiscation, etc. or maybe you're just to damn old to leave will NJ Gov. Phil Murphy has the solution....go kill yourself.

Are you young, White, and make money while working well NJ says we want that money to give to the minorities.

At lease they killed the Weed NJ won't be able to smoke dope but still be able to elect dopes. Recall Phil Murphy.... :thumbsup:

People sleep peacefully at night because there are a few tough men prepared to do violence on their behalf.

A foolish man complains about his torn pockets.

A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.


You know things are bad when you're missing the days of Chris Christie...
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Every state  that  is  controlled  by  democrats is a  vomit  hole.

Walter Josh

A preliminary projection forecast that Jersey, one of our highest taxed States,
would lose 2 Congress critters in the next census.
They'll be down to 3 Electoral College votes, thanks to schmucks like Christie and Murphy.
soon enough.