Peggy Noonan - Tea Party Saved GOP from Bush

Started by arpad, October 21, 2010, 06:17:37 PM

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Peggy Noonan's been, mostly, a Republican standard-bearer. She might have had some issues with George Bush and the Republican party under his presidency but not enough to go rogue. And when the Tea Party sprang into existence she, like a lot of Republican insiders, was hardly supportive seeing the Tea Party as a bunch of unsophisticated, uneducated boobs badly in need of guidance by their betters.

Looks like Peggy's found something, quite a lot actually, to love in the Tea Party movement.

Right near the top of the list of reasons Noonan's fallen in love with the Tea Party movement is the sort of generally agreed upon decision to not go third-party. What could have become a catastrophe for conservative ideas became instead a movement that's reinvigorating those ideas and, via the Republican party, is building enthusiasm for conservative ideas in way that hasn't been seen since the days of Ronald Reagan.

She has some tart remarks about the Republicans who came to Washington D.C. back in those days and why they're less then thrilled about the Tea Party. As for Noonan, she seems to have come to an understanding that the Tea Party is taking up the torch dropped by those Republicans and she seems to be climbing on the band wagon with enthusiasm.
