Econ 101

Started by Hokey_Pokey, July 19, 2020, 12:52:40 PM

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I believe that we all agree with the simple principle that 1>0. While this may seem to be simple and inherently logical preposition, it is also is economics at its most basic form.  Re-phrased in economic terms variable cost must be a number that is greater than $0.00

Why do people have such hard time comprehending the basics of a normal market plcace?

Why is it so difficult for sheeples to grasp that the basic tenant of every economic theory can be surmised, by two simple concepts. The first is "Fixed Costs" which is basically comprised of the equity and debt needed to function as a business, the second type is called "Variable Costs" which is essential a complicated way of saying that a business actually earns a profit, which in economic terms is called a "Rent".

P.S. I hate repeatedly having to google for the correct spelling of Hussein, is there not a more simple question that could be asked, such as the year of the first constitutional congress; hint 1787 is wrong.