Obama drawn into Clinton email controversy

Started by Tacoma, October 30, 2015, 10:02:38 PM

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QuotePresident Barack Obama found himself drawn into Hillary Clinton's email controversy Friday as the White House acknowledged the State Department is withholding a set of messages Obama and Clinton exchanged during her four years as secretary of state.

As the State Department made public a new batch of more than 7,200 pages of Clinton's emails, officials stressed that the White House was not asserting executive privilege over the Obama-Clinton exchanges but insisting that they be treated as presidential records, which are normally not available to the public until between five and 12 years after a president leaves office.

"With regard to the President's email, as we have previously acknowledged, the President did on occasion trade emails with Secretary Clinton, and we presume those communications will ultimately be made public, along with the rest of the President's records, after he leaves office," a senior administration official said. "There is a long history of presidential records being kept confidential while the President is in office. It is a principle that previous White Houses have vigorously defended as it goes to the core of the President's ability to receive unvarnished advice and counsel during his time in office and is central to the independent functioning of the Executive Branch."

A White House official declined to say whether any of the Obama-Clinton emails related to Libya. If so, the White House's position could cause an executive privilege clash with Congress, since the House Benghazi Committee subpoenaed all Clinton emails related to Benghazi in March of this year.

The new release of Clinton emails — the largest batch of messages made public since State began posting the messages online to comply with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit — revealed more about Clinton's knowledge of embassy security issues and provided a window into lighter moments like Clinton being instructed in the use of emojis.

Friday's document release is the sixth of its kind and with it, more than half of the messages Clinton turned over to the agency from her private email account and server have now been made public. In the new batch, State deemed 268 emails classified at the lowest classification tier, according to spokesman John Kirby, who said that none of these emails "were marked classified at the time they were sent or received." There are now between 600 and 700 emails newly marked as classified since the releases began in May.

600 - 700 classified emails, and contrary to what the moron Kirby is attempting to imply, they have absolutely no need to be marked as such, anything the Clinton hag sent as SOS automatically would be considered classified, and of course ditto for the cretin in the white house, who is I promise you, involved with her criminal activities. This scandal is a cosmic order of magnitude larger then Watergate, Obama, and the Clinton hag are traitors, Nixon just had a room burgled!


Those emails, or well the information contained in them, belongs to the people of the United States. Not Obama, not the carpet bag hag Hitlary Klinton. We the people, through our representatives have every right to know what is in them. We have every right to know, was their collusion, was there pressure from the Prez on Hitlary Klinton to lie about the video..etc.

But, with a Congress and leadership in the Congress, that simply will not stand up to this President. Which will not exercise it's authority under the Constitution of the United States, virtually no matter what the issue is.

Is it any small wonder that we now have no less than five federal agencies, who are in blatant contempt of Congress, and all refusing to answer Congressional subpoena's?

But as I have said many times over, let you, or I, or anyone reading this thread do the same. And see how fast the full weight of the Fed comes down on your head, and that of anyone remotely associated with you. And the talking heads, all wonder why, the American people are so mad this election cycle.

Gee, I wonder...Note the sarcasm.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :) http://www.projectsemicolon.org/share-your-story.html
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)

Cryptic Bert

If this continues to draw Barry closer to the scandal he will throw her under the bus.


#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on October 31, 2015, 02:01:06 AM
Now we know why she wasn't indicted...

Don't under estimate Clinton, Inc. They are just as corrupt and savage as Obama's Chicago thug group.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"

kit saginaw

Prit-tee bad.  Fair news-sites are on fire this morning from all hypocritical, nonsensical, criminalicious sewage in the latest batch of mails. 

If nothing's marked 'top secret' so that means it's public, yet the WH decides we can't see it... we can only conclude that the hc-obarfa emails are criminally humiliating.  That's the so-called 'National Security' excuse.  'Security' from exposing the ongoing Alfonse And Gaston machinations at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Mullah Putin might as well walk right in and take-over.  We're that weak at-the-top.

And Blumenthal...  unbelievable


There is no way the Obama Administration will leave office with these emails in the archives.  They will destroy every computer hard drive and obliterate all evidence of their corruption.

We can only hope that they are inept enough to leave some evidence of their scandalous deeds!


Quote from: kroz on October 31, 2015, 05:23:44 AM
There is no way the Obama Administration will leave office with these emails in the archives.  They will destroy every computer hard drive and obliterate all evidence of their corruption.

We can only hope that they are inept enough to leave some evidence of their scandalous deeds!

You are correct about their incompetence. They will leave a trail.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"


The whole Benghazi scandal, start to finish, is one big CYA exercise, and Obama holds the most responsibility.

But he never takes responsibility, no different than from his "sons" out there creating havoc in their neighborhoods, while the fourth estate stands at the gate.   
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.


Quote from: taxed on October 31, 2015, 02:01:06 AM
Now we know why she wasn't indicted...

Exactly, and why she never will be, can you imagine Nixon being forced to resign with the media totally having his back, and not just covering his back, but actually savagely attacking any aspect of an investigation into his activities that emerged? This is fascism, this is a banana republic at work!


Quote from: Tacoma on October 31, 2015, 09:57:20 AM
Exactly, and why she never will be, can you imagine Nixon being forced to resign with the media totally having his back, and not just covering his back, but actually savagely attacking any aspect of an investigation into his activities that emerged? This is fascism, this is a banana republic at work!

Obama said before he was first elected that he would form a domestic military force as well-equipped and well-trained as the traditional military.  He has done so with every Federal agency having a militia, the first evidence of this was at the grazing area a farmer was being forced off in Nevada so that Harry Reid's son could make money by allowing the Chinese to install a solar collecting plant in the desert where the endangered turtles were living, moving these turtles to the traditional grazing land.  The Bureau of Land Management sent their armed up-to-the-teeth militia and the BLM backed down.  However, the day will come when they will not back down to a group of armed citizens, as they did in Nevada, and there will be a blood bath.  The Clintons are no better and if that witch is elected as President, what Obama has done to the country will seem like a Sunday School picnic compared to her. She will not be indicted for anything, no matter how unlawful, and she will be our next President.  I'd bet on that.  She knows where the Obama bodies are buried and he will never do anything to stop her.  He can't without exposing himself.


Quote from: Charliemyboy on October 31, 2015, 02:23:03 PM
Obama said before he was first elected that he would form a domestic military force as well-equipped and well-trained as the traditional military.  He has done so with every Federal agency having a militia, the first evidence of this was at the grazing area a farmer was being forced off in Nevada so that Harry Reid's son could make money by allowing the Chinese to install a solar collecting plant in the desert where the endangered turtles were living, moving these turtles to the traditional grazing land.  The Bureau of Land Management sent their armed up-to-the-teeth militia and the BLM backed down.  However, the day will come when they will not back down to a group of armed citizens, as they did in Nevada, and there will be a blood bath.  The Clintons are no better and if that witch is elected as President, what Obama has done to the country will seem like a Sunday School picnic compared to her. She will not be indicted for anything, no matter how unlawful, and she will be our next President.  I'd bet on that.  She knows where the Obama bodies are buried and he will never do anything to stop her.  He can't without exposing himself.

Both Obama and Hillary should be executed for high treason! 

Our Founders are rolling in their graves.

kit saginaw

Quote from: Charliemyboy on October 31, 2015, 02:23:03 PM
The Bureau of Land Management sent their armed up-to-the-teeth militia and the BLM backed down.  However, the day will come when they will not back down to a group of armed citizens, as they did in Nevada, and there will be a blood bath.

There's a difference in not backing-down to armed citizen-groups, and attempting to not back-down against the tactics, quantity of resources, and 'dirty tricks' of the most powerfully-armed citizen guerilla-groups on the planet.


Quote from: Charliemyboy on October 31, 2015, 02:23:03 PM
Obama said before he was first elected that he would form a domestic military force as well-equipped and well-trained as the traditional military.  He has done so with every Federal agency having a militia, the first evidence of this was at the grazing area a farmer was being forced off in Nevada so that Harry Reid's son could make money by allowing the Chinese to install a solar collecting plant in the desert where the endangered turtles were living, moving these turtles to the traditional grazing land.  The Bureau of Land Management sent their armed up-to-the-teeth militia and the BLM backed down.  However, the day will come when they will not back down to a group of armed citizens, as they did in Nevada, and there will be a blood bath.  The Clintons are no better and if that witch is elected as President, what Obama has done to the country will seem like a Sunday School picnic compared to her. She will not be indicted for anything, no matter how unlawful, and she will be our next President.  I'd bet on that.  She knows where the Obama bodies are buried and he will never do anything to stop her.  He can't without exposing himself.

You are largely correct, certainly the Clinton hag has no chance of being prosecuted, which is why it cackles mockingly whenever the topic is broached, it knows that Obama is implicated up to his floppy ears in her crimes, and Obama owns the DOJ(thanks John McCain & Lindsey Graham)and he sure as hell isn't about to prosecute himself, let alone the next president of the USA, and she is an absolute lock to be the next president, an absolute lock!


QuoteAttorneys who have handled classified information cases say the bureau, initially asked to examine whether Clinton's arrangement compromised national security secrets, ultimately will have to consider whether she and her aides failed to sufficiently safeguard sensitive information.

They disagree about whether there's enough evidence to prosecute her or her aides for sending and receiving government messages over the personal email system. routed through a private computer server in the basement of her New York home.

But most who spoke to McClatchy say it's unlikely the former first lady, senator and Cabinet secretary will face charges because of her high profile and the hurdle to prove she knew the emails contained classified information when she sent them to others.

"She's too big to jail," said national security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., who represented former CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling in 2011 in a leak case that led to an espionage prosecution and 3½-year prison term. He cited a pattern of light punishments for top government officials who have mishandled classified information while lower level whistleblowers such as Sterling have faced harsh prosecutions for revealing sensitive information to expose waste, fraud or abuse in government.

At least 671 emails that Clinton sent or received through her private server contained classified material, according to the State Department's latest update Friday from its ongoing review of more than 30,000 emails. Her aides also sent and received classified information.

In response to a public records lawsuit, the department released another 7,200 pages of Clinton's emails after partially or entirely redacting any containing sensitive U.S. or foreign government information on a range of issues.

The inspectors general of the State Department and intelligence community have said that some contained classified information when they were generated, but they were not marked that way at the time.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article41972739.html#storylink=cpy

You folks holding out hope for the FBI are painfully slow on the uptake, this thing has been fixed from the outset, we don't call it "Grubering" for nothing! This hag will be appointing at least 4 justices to the high court, and this hag is absolutely going to take your guns away from you....


I heard several weeks, maybe as much as 6 months ago that Hillary will never see the inside of a courtroom about these emails. All they have to do is deem them classified and no Judge will allow them entered into evidence. No prosecutor will go after her for the same reason.
  Everyone including the dems knows she is as crooked as they come, but it doesn't matter, they will cast their vote for her regardless.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan