My Top-10 Banned Ad-Campaigns, 2013

Started by kit saginaw, January 01, 2014, 10:12:39 AM

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kit saginaw

from least to most innocuous...

Faces Of Terrorism... the US State Department, offended Muslims... featured the 20 most-wanted terrorists

We Can Do It... Bissel/Swiffer, offended women... featured WW2 Icon, Rosie The Riveter (and her slogan) mopping a kitchen

I Am Happy Being A Prostitute... the Brazilian Health Ministry, offended everybody... a streetwalker expressing relief she tested negative for HIV in the govt's new program

Long Live Oregonians... Cover Oregon, bad timing... showing a Sound Of Music-style mountaintop full of happy obamacare enrollees as the State enrolled only 11 people by Thanksgiving-weekend

Africa Is Coming... KT&G Tobacco, offended everybody... featured cartoon-monkeys roasting tobacco-leaves, cannibal-style

In Priority, We Trust... the USPS, offended Christian/Jewish-Americans... commercially manipulating the American-motto

Germany Votes White... Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, bad ad-copy... after a national-poll that showed German candy-lovers' preference

The Hip-Hop Goat... Mountain Dew, offended everybody... a goat in gangsta-garb, is in a police lineup with gangsta-thugs, as a cop helps a woman choose the 'culprit' who assaulted her


Boston Massacre... Nike, bad timing, release of t-shirts to celebrate the Boston Marathon and the opening of baseball-season against the Yankees, a day before the bombing

I Am The Bullet... Nike, bad timing... featured Oscar Pistorius, a few days before he shot and killed his gf

The Bells And Whistles Steel Tea-Kettle... JC Penney, coincidence... featured a photograph of a tea-kettle that accidentally looked like a cartoon-hitler