The Bible, Dinosaurs and Mitochondrial DNA

Started by Traninit, December 09, 2015, 06:59:25 PM

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Buddha lived between the 4th and 6th centuries, BCE, and not during Christ's time which began according to the modern calendar around 1 CE.

I do not attempt to convert anyone to my way of thinking. That is only what it is.  My way of thinking, not necessarily yours.


Quote from: Traninit on December 10, 2015, 02:34:55 PM
Can't find any "Lilith", but from what I've read, I hope none of Adam's sons procreated with her. I read that extremist feminist groups believe she existed...having deformed children by having sex with the devil and such. Wow! So now I know why they gave the woman who played the "X" of TV's "Kramer" that namesake. Come to think about it, my X should have been named Lilith.  :scared:
Frasier's wife in the show of the same name was named Lilith as well, and rightfully so. :lol:
Here's another take on the issue.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Charliemyboy on January 01, 2016, 07:45:58 AM
Buddha lived between the 4th and 6th centuries, BCE, and not during Christ's time which began according to the modern calendar around 1 CE.

I do not attempt to convert anyone to my way of thinking. That is only what it is.  My way of thinking, not necessarily yours.

Well, there is right and wrong, truth and error, and in this case your "way of thinking" is right. Facts are facts. Buddha was not really a "religious" leader anyway, but a philosopher.


Quote from: Charliemyboy on January 01, 2016, 07:40:52 AM
The bible says that Able went off to the land of "Nod" where he procreated.  Obviously if one is to believe this, there were people created other than Adam and Eve.  In fact, the bible says Eve was created from one of Adan's ribs.  A mere afterthought.

It would be helpful if you would quote chapter and verse when you think you are quoting the Bible.

Actually you are incorrect.

If you would care to check your Bible you will find in Genesis 4:16 that Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod. (This was after he had killed his brother Abel.)

He likely took his wife with him to this foreign land.  There is no indication that he married in Nod.

Once again I will state that Adam and Eve had many children.  Adam lived for 800 years.  We assume Eve lived approximately the same life span.  They could have had hundreds of children.  Those children married one another.  The blood line was pure.

After Abel was killed Adam and Eve had another son who they named Seth.  At that time Adam was already 130 years old.  So it is very likely that Cain and Abel both had procreated many offspring themselves by then.

With the long life spans during the hyperbaric atmosphere period of time the population grew rapidly.  It was not until the great flood in Genesis 7 that the life spans decreased.  They no longer enjoyed the protection of the water canopy which circled the upper atmosphere of the earth.

IMHO it would be presumptuous to claim that God created any people apart from what He has told us.  That is a leap of faith that is unnecessary.

Chosen Daughter

The Bible does talk about dinosaurs.  By name and it even describes them.
Roger Sherman
Signer of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution

"I believe that there is one only living and true God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the same in substance equal in power and glory.


Too many people spend too much time trying to prove matters of faith.  The "how" and the "when" is much less important than the "what."  What if the story of the prodigal son never happened?  Is it any less true?


Quote from: Justaguy on January 10, 2016, 03:59:29 AM
Too many people spend too much time trying to prove matters of faith.  The "how" and the "when" is much less important than the "what."  What if the story of the prodigal son never happened?  Is it any less true?

Yes. If it NEVER happened it is not "true." But we know it was a "story" used to teach a principle. You can LNOW that by simply READING it.


Quote from: Chosen Daughter on January 08, 2016, 10:05:30 PM
The Bible does talk about dinosaurs.  By name and it even describes them.


Got a scripture to back it up?


Quote from: Justaguy on January 10, 2016, 03:59:29 AM
Too many people spend too much time trying to prove matters of faith.  The "how" and the "when" is much less important than the "what."  What if the story of the prodigal son never happened?  Is it any less true?

It isn't true. It is a parable used to teach a truth.



Quote from: je_freedom on December 09, 2015, 08:10:05 PM
About the timeline:
Einstein figured out that time is almost infinitely flexible,
not rigid, the way we experience it.
An object moving through space at nearly the speed of light
moves through time at almost a dead stop.

About the mitochondrial DNA:
That has been looked into.  What was found was that
humans' mitochondrial DNA is very similar
(but not completely identical, due to mutations along the way)
in three groups: African, European and Asian.
This corresponds to the wives of Noah's three sons,
Ham, Shem, and Japheth,
who the Bible identifies as the fathers of Africans, Europeans, and Asians.
Mitchondrial DNA actually told us, that all Humans do in fact stem from an "eve" of sorts.

By that I mean, our entire species according to the DNA, originated with one single female.

Here's an article on it:

As for dinosaurs, clearly they predated us, by millions of years. The Bible doesn't address this one way or another.

Lastly about the timelines, it's always a good thing to remember. Time doesn't exist for God. It's a creation of God. Like everything else in our universe. Besides God wouldn't be much of a God at all, if he were limited by mere physics and was stuck in linear time as we "normally" are.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)