A Place For Us

Started by RV, November 22, 2020, 06:25:52 PM

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I was thinking this morning that the book of Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days. The book also tells us that God rested on the seventh day.

Now if we go to the gospels and specifically the book of Matthew, we see that just before Jesus is crucified He makes a powerful statement. Jesus says that He is going to prepare a place for us so that where He is, we may also be. God took six days to create the heavens (aka. sky), and the earth but, He has used the time since His crucifixion to prepare a place for us?

So, we see that it only took six days for God to create the heavens AND the Earth. How long has it been since Jesus was crucified? Over two THOUSAND years? What could God have created in over two thousand years for us when it only took Him six days to create the heavens and the Earth? God has shown us His creativity by making our planet and solar system diverse, lush and wonderful yet, this pales in comparison to what God has created for His followers in Heaven!

Jesus was crucified with a criminal on His right and left. One of the criminals chastised him while the other criminal asked the Lord to remember him when He got to His Kingdom. Jesus tells him that he will be in paradise with Him that very day. The account can be found in the book of Luke chapter 23 and verse 40.

I cannot imagine nor dream of what God has done for us! Nothing I could ever fathom, conceive or think of would even be close to what the Lord could do with two thousand plus years. Heaven must be more wonderful, more spectacular and more amazing than any theme park, museum, festival, event, concert or extravaganza on this Earth. Literally nothing in the entire universe compares with what God has created and sent His only Son to redeem us for.

I have an obligation to live according to His word so that I am able to enjoy what He has created for me and all of His followers. The Psalmist says that the gospel message is "too wonderful" for words. Truly in every instance where God reveals Himself to man, God warns them that they cannot actually look upon His face for they will die. He gave Moses a glimpse of His holiness and righteousness and Moses glowed for many days afterward. Moses was a righteous man, much more righteous than I will ever be.

I am so very grateful for Jesus, salvation and Heaven. What's more, I and other believers will have millions of years to enjoy heaven, salvation, Jesus and Father God once we're in heaven. The wonder of all heaven will be available to His followers and we will walk with God and His only begotten Son for all eternity. Followers also have the marriage supper of the Lamb to look forward to!

Logic would say that if Heaven is wonderful, hell must be terrible. We see from scripture that there is no darkness in Heaven, no night and endless light from the Father. As light, bright and wonderful as Heaven must be, hell must be as dark, horrible and terrifying.

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."