Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Entertainment => Movies => Topic started by: Solar on July 18, 2017, 11:07:25 AM

Title: Ever Wonder Why the Left Despises Walt Disney?
Post by: Solar on July 18, 2017, 11:07:25 AM
Here's why, he loved America and all it offered. He was the anthesis of what the Marxists believe, which is why they started the rumor of his being antisemite, a common theme of the day.
No, he didn't hate Jews, few did, but it was the stereotype of the era, and working with a majority in Hollywood, he was friends with many.


We believe in, and like, the American way of life: the liberty and freedom which generations before us have fought to create and preserve; the freedom to speak, to think, to live, to worship, to work, and to govern ourselves as individuals, as free men; the right to succeed or fail as free men, according to the measure of our ability and our strength.

Believing in these things, we find ourselves in sharp revolt against a rising tide of communism, fascism, and kindred beliefs, that seek by subversive means to undermine and change this way of life; groups that have forfeited their right to exist in this country of ours, because they seek to achieve their change by means other than the vested procedure of the ballot and to deny the right of the majority opinion of the people to rule.

In our special field of motion pictures, we resent the growing impression that this industry is made of, and dominated by, Communists, radicals, and crackpots. We believe that we represent the vast majority of the people who serve this great medium of expression. But unfortunately, it has been an unorganized majority. This has been almost inevitable. The very love of freedom, of the rights of the individual, make this great majority reluctant to organize. But now we must, or we shall meanly lose "the last, best hope on earth."

As Americans, we have no new plan to offer. We want no new plan, we want only to defend against its enemies that which is our priceless heritage; that freedom which has given man, in this country, the fullest life and the richest expression the world has ever known; that system which, in the present emergency, has fathered an effort that, more than any other single factor, will make possible the winning of this war.

As members of the motion-picture industry, we must face and accept an especial responsibility. Motion pictures are inescapably one of the world's greatest forces for influencing public thought and opinion, both at home and abroad. In this fact lies solemn obligation. We refuse to permit the effort of Communist, Fascist, and other totalitarian-minded groups to pervert this powerful medium into an instrument for the dissemination of un-American ideas and beliefs. We pledge ourselves to fight, with every means at our organized command, any effort of any group or individual, to divert the loyalty of the screen from the free America that give it birth. And to dedicate our work, in the fullest possible measure, to the presentation of the American scene, its standards and its freedoms, its beliefs and its ideals, as we know them and believe in them.

Here's the Faceplant page, interspersed with Walt haters.

Walt must be turning in his grave.

Title: Re: Ever Wonder Why the Left Despises Walt Disney?
Post by: quiller on July 19, 2017, 06:03:33 AM
The petition to boycott Disney until they stop peddling softcore porn in their teen shows? Never happen. Corporations have only one principle: profit. If it sold, they'd do it.
The same for the Disney movies empire, now pushing smut more than any 1960s efforts.

Just imagine how they'll degrade the Star Wars and Marvel Films worlds, meddling in proved successes....

Indiana Jones and the Empire of Nude Women
Stars Wars XVI - The Battle for the Pleasure Planet

Title: Re: Ever Wonder Why the Left Despises Walt Disney?
Post by: Solar on July 19, 2017, 06:20:15 AM
For me, it was the opening line. Many times lib kids ask what was so great about the past, Nam was taking place, riots over the war (Kent State), the draft, the generation gap etc.
Thing is, all of this was caused by hardcore leftists, from starting the war in Nam, (thank you LBJ for killing our family members) to the so called generation gap/Hippy movement, all designed to tear the nation apart.

Read this libs, this may set the scene for you to understand what was destroyed, the peaceful side of life in America, where Liberty and Freedom was first and foremost, a time when Conservatives lost the culture war, leftists in both party's seized the nation politically, the time when the GOP went leftist and helped the Dim party change the nation for the worst.

This is the America I remember and dearly miss.

"We believe in, and like, the American way of life: the liberty and freedom which generations before us have fought to create and preserve; the freedom to speak, to think, to live, to worship, to work, and to govern ourselves as individuals, as free men; the right to succeed or fail as free men, according to the measure of our ability and our strength.

Believing in these things, we find ourselves in sharp revolt against a rising tide of communism, fascism, and kindred beliefs, that seek by subversive means to undermine and change this way of life; groups that have forfeited their right to exist in this country of ours, because they seek to achieve their change by means other than the vested procedure of the ballot and to deny the right of the majority opinion of the people to rule."