Minimum wage - OK?

Started by debatingguy, November 02, 2011, 01:58:22 PM

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See this is one of the inconsistencies of leftists that I find most confusing. They talk about their desire to see a return of manufacturing jobs. Fine. Any accounting student can tell you there are 4 components to the cost equation of manufacturing. Labor, energy, materials and indirect overhead. We could get into things like spoilage and waste and transportation costs too but lets keep it simple for the sake of an example here.

Manufacturing goes where costs are lower. It just does. To say otherwise is to be less grounded in reality than Star Trek nerds at comic con conventions. So if liberals want manufacturing jobs then why does there every move attempt to raise the cost of labor and energy? It's like saying I want to date super models as I eat my 15th piece of pizza. When your actions go directly opposite of your stated goals it's hard to take you seriously.

Just sayin.
If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.